Friday, October 15, 2010

Are You a Keeper?

Are you a keeper?
All of us have had some things happen in our lives that have left us with bitterness and negative effects. If we are honest, we will admit that when we came to God, we came broken. Broken from our circumstances; broken from people who have misused, misguided, misjudged, or misunderstood us. Broken from situations that have left us speechless, breathless, and in some instances, hopeless. We are broken from childhood, adulthood, and even sainthood experiences. We have to face the fact that we are or once was broken. Somewhere along the way someone has done us wrong or broke our heart, and even spirit. All of us have had emotional baggage that we carry or carried around us with bitterness, unforgiveness, guilt, etc. This prevents us from experiencing wholeness in our lives and consequently in our relationships.

Of course God is aware of our brokenness. He wants to teach us through his word practical ways in which to transfer our brokenness so that we can ultimately transform our lives. We are then enabled disciple others- especially our sisters and brothers in Christ.

Luke “but I have prayed for you, Simon that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned your back, strengthen your brothers”

That’s really what sisterhood and brotherhood is about. Are we are sister’s keeper? Are we our brother’s keeper? So who is our sister or brother? She/he is the new babe in Christ who has just joined the church. She/he is that friend of yours whom you’ve known for years. You watched him/her go through in times of despair. You may have even shared Gods word that provides healing in the time of their need. She/he is that relative who doesn’t want to hear your counsel because she remembers “WHEN”. She/he may even sit on the same pew as you Sunday morning. You may not even particularly like him/her. They could even be your known enemy, but guess what she/he is still your brother or sister. When you become a keeper God creates a bond between the two of you that surpasses human understanding like the relationship between Jonathan and David, as it relates to when Saul tried to kill David. Jonathan offered unending support through that circumstance. This relationship doesn’t occur overnight, but you become accountable and take an active role to his/her well being.

Romans “rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn”


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