Friday, September 17, 2010

When the sound is not laughter

As we continue to press our way through, let us acknowledge what happens when the sound is not laughter. The phases we enter bring about a reaction to our physical body. We want to be happy but the phase we have entered does not consist of happiness. We want to stop hurting but have not had the courage to leave the pain. We want to stop crying but we continue to welcome self-pity. We desire to laugh but when we do laugh it is such a rarity we wish it would stay, but reality is there is no more room. I am not talking about laughing at a funny joke, a TV show, or your simple family member. I am referring to a laugh that has been deep down in your soul, and when you exhale this laugh out comes your healing. How can laughter be healing some may question. Laughter uplifts you while releasing a sound that somehow some way changes the moment you are currently in. It becomes contagious and good to those around you. Your smile becomes the light in the room while your eyes become teary with joy. What happens when the sound is not laughter? We become fearful of the next phase we enter. We cross examine everything. We worry about the unseen. We forget how it feels to laugh, while questioning God when will we laugh again?

The sound that has over taken laughter is SORROW, PAIN, DEPRESSION, HATE, ANGER, PITY, HOPELESSNESS, and FEAR. What sound do these things create? CRYS FROM OUR SOULS

“God I can't go on, this is just too much. Why so soon?"
"Oh God please help me, my soul cries out, I feel so broken, take it away"
“I can't even remember the last time I actually had fun. All I do is just sit between these walls, it hurts to do everything"
"I hate my life; I wish I could start over"
"I am so angry, if something else happens I will really hurt somebody, why me!"
"I had my chance, I just want to give up, look at me, look at my life, and it’s all over now"
"I just want it all to stop, the only way it can stop is Suicide, do I really want it to stop"
"There is nothing left for you, forget about your career, your family, and your finances. Tomorrow will be worse than today"

The thoughts that run through minds are even deeper than this. So many people reading this have probably thought similar to the thoughts listed above. You walk around like everything is ok but inside your dying. If only people really knew what you're going through. If only the pain would finally end. If only you reached your mountain of hope, but God said if only you knock there you will find hope. Don't allow your life to be consumed by the threat of the enemy. Be of strong faith that you can and will overcome in the mist of your adversity. Life is far from easy but easier if you trust God. Laughter may seem so simple, but when your soul is empty it is needed to breathe life into your situation. As you read this think about the last time you laughed. Have a talk with God you will be surprised at the sense of humor God has. You will find yourself filled with EVERLASTING LAUGHTER!

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